Contact Sustainability & ESG

Sustainability & ESG
in Tryg
Insurance is about providing peace of mind so that we are not left alone with the consequences if our car is damaged, if a thief breaks in, or if our building burns to the ground. Insurance is also about being ahead of the game and preventing damage. At Tryg, we not only look at how we create peace of mind here and now, but also in 10, 20 and 30 years' time. Because ‘'As the world changes, we make it easier to be tryg”
Our collaboration with
suppliers and partners
Our ambition
As a large buyer with a significant annual purchasing volume, Tryg has the opportunity and responsibility to work together with suppliers to change consumption patterns and promote positive environmental and social progress.
Our approach
Sustainability is an integral part of Tryg's sourcing and procurement processes. We live up to our commitment through the products and services we purchase and the contractual agreements we make.