Statutory corporate governance report 2024 | SCGR_TRYG_2024.pdf | | | | |
Statutory corporate governance report 2023 | SCGR 2023 | | | | |
Solvency & Financial Condition Report 2023 | Tryg Forsikring SFCR 2023.pdf | | | | |
Tryg Group pro-forma figures 2022 | | | | | Quarterly outline Tryg Group.pdf |
Statutory corporate governance report 2022 | SCGR_TRYG_2022.pdf | | | | |
Solvency & Financial Condition Report 2022 | TRYG_1257_SFCR_report_2022_22032023 FINAL with note.pdf | | | | |
Solvency & Financial Condition Report 2021 | Amendment SFCR 2021 Tryg Forsikring.pdf Solvency & Financial Condition Report 2021 | | | | |
Statutory corporate governance report 2021 | 2021 corporate governance | | | | |
Statutory corporate governance report 2020 | Statutory corporate governance report 2020 | | | | |
Annual profile 2020 | annual profile 2021 | | | | |
Solvency & Financial Condition Report 2020 | Solvency & Financial Condition Report 2020 | | | | |
Statutory corporate governance report 2019 | Statutory Corporate Governance report 2019 | | | | |
Annual profile 2019 | Annual profile 2020 | | | | |
Solvency & Financial Condition Report 2019 | SFCR 2019 | | | | |
Statutory corporate governance report 2018 | Tryg Statutory corporate governance report 2018 | | | | |
Annual profile 2018 | Tryg UK annual profile | | | | |
Bond issue term sheet 2018 | | | | | bond_issue_term_sheet_12-46631.pdf |
Bond issue prospectus 2018 | | | | | bond_issue_prospectus_12-46618.pdf |
SFCR for 2017 QRTs 2018 | | | | | sfcr_2017_qrts_12-46627.xls |
SFCR for 2016 QRTs 2017 | | | | | qrts_12-45911.xls |
Statutory corporate governance report 2017 | statutory_corporate_governance_report_2017_12-46527.pdf | | | | |
Annual profile 2017 | tryg_annual_profile_2018_12-46539.pdf | | | | |
Annual profile 2016 | tryg_annual_profile_2017_world-class_insurance_12-44605.pdf | | | | |
Bond issue prospectus 2016 | tryg_tier_2_prospectus_2016_12-39153.pdf | | | tryg_forsikring_tier_2_prospectus_bond_issue_sek_12-42785.pdf | |
Statutory corporate governance report 2016 | statutory_corporate_governance_report_2016_12-44451.pdf | | | | |
Bond issue term sheet 2016 | | | | tryg_forsikring_term_sheet_bond_issue_sek_12-41362.pdf | |
Statutory corporate governance report 2015 | tryg_statutory_corporate_governance_report_2015_12-38764.pdf | | | | |
Annual profile 2015 | tryg_annual_profile_2016_world-class_insurance_12-39052.pdf | | | | |
Term sheet 2015 | | | 2015.11.05_term_sheet_12-37793.pdf | | |
Statutory corporate governance report 2014 | statutory_corporate_governance_report_2014_12-34191.pdf | | | | |
Annual profile 2014 | tryg_annual_profile_2014_12-34313.pdf | | | | |
Dividend and capital management 2014 | dividend_and_capital_management_12-27210.pdf | | q3_2014_dividend_and_capital_management_12-29937.pdf | | |
ABM Obligationslånebeskrivelse 2013 | abm_-_lanebeskrivelse_frn_10672355_endelig_12-21843.pdf | | | | |
Statutory corporate governance report 2013 | statutory_corporate_governance_report_2013_12-27208.pdf | | | | |
Bond agreement 2013 | bond_agreement_executed_12-21845.pdf | | | | |
Statutory corporate governance report 2012 | statutory_corporate_governance_report_-_2012_12-21266.pdf | | | | |
Risk management report 2011 | risk_management_report_2011_12-15503.pdf | | | | |
Statutory corporate governance report 2011 | statutory_corporate_governance_report_2011_12-15505.pdf | | | | |
Statutory corporate governance report 2010 | tryg2010_selskabsledelse_uk_final-web_12-3318.pdf | | | | |
Risk management report 2009 | tvg_risiko_netversion_uk2009_12-1466.pdf | | | | |
Statutory corporate governance report 2009 | tvg_statutory_report2009_12-1469.pdf | | | | |