As a large buyer with a significant annual purchasing volume, Tryg has the opportunity and responsibility to work together with suppliers to change consumption patterns and promote positive environmental and social progress. Sustainability is an integral part of our sourcing and procurement processes. We live up to our commitment through the products and services we purchase and the contractual agreements we make.
We choose
At Tryg, we choose to work with suppliers who share our values and show commitment to sustainability. We are a signatory member of the UN Global Compact. Thus, we expect our suppliers and partners to, as a minimum, adherer to the principles that are outlined in our Supplier Code of Conduct. We evaluate our suppliers' sustainability compliance and performance through the information they share with us and provide advantages to our suppliers that are good at it.
We collaborate
We collaborate with our suppliers to deliver social and environmental progress. We invite suppliers and customers to join our quest for more sustainable claims handling. We actively engage in dialogue especially when we consider entering into new agreements and when we evaluate existing ones.
We opt-out
We do not select or work with suppliers, products or services that violate international agreements, national laws or internal guidelines such as our Supplier Code of Conduct.