The Supervisory Board
Anne Kaltoft
Board member

Anne Kaltoft
Board member
Born | 1961 |
Nationality | Danish |
Joined the Supervisory Board | 2023 |
Education | MSc in Medicine, Medical Specialist in cardiology, PhD in cardiology, Master of Public Management. Pathfinder (a leadership development programme) |
Career | CEO of Hjerteforeningen |
Board seats, member | Tryg A/S, Tryg Forsikring A/S, TryghedsGruppen smba |
Committee membership | TrygFonden’s Funds Committee |
Experience | Many years’ experience from top management positions within the Danish healthcare system, and as Managing Director of the Danish Heart Foundation |
Competencies | Competencies within management, strategy and business development, communication and governance, optimisation of structures and processes, financial management and social development within health. |
Shares in Tryg | 0 |