The Supervisory Board
Mengmeng Du
Board member (independent)

Mengmeng Du
Board member (independent)
Born | 1980 |
Joined the Supervisory Board | 2022 |
Nationality | Sweden |
Career | Independent advisor for tech startups and professional board member. Former leading positions at Spotify and Acast |
Education | M.Sc. in Economics and Business Administration from Stockholm School of Economics, M.Sc. in Computer Science from Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) |
Board seats | Tryg A/S and Tryg Forsikring A/S, Dometic Group AB, Swappie Oy and Clas Ohlson AB |
Committee memberships | IT-Data Committee in Tryg A/S and People and Renumeration Committee in Swappie Oy |
Experience | 10+ years of top management experience and as board member. Thorough knowledge of tech startups as well as international experience from leading positions within Marketing and Operations at Spotify and COO at Acast. Extensive board experience from Retail, Life Insurance and Aviation. Member of Sweden’s National Innovation Council |
Compentencies | General top management experience from the tech industry. Extensive experience in the areas of IT & digitalization, transformation, marketing, organization, strategy and business development |
Number of shares held | 3,000 |