Supervisory Board
Thomas Hofman-Bang
Board member (independent)
Thomas Hofman-Bang
Board member (independent)
Born | 1964 |
Joined the Supervisory Board | 2022 |
Nationality | Danish |
Career | CEO in the Danish Industry Foundation |
Education | Certified Public Accountant 1994 |
Board seats, Chair | CBS Academic Housing, K Alternativ Private Equity 2019 K/S, K Alternativ Private Equity 2020 K/S, K Alternativ Private Equity 2021 K/S, K Alternativ Private Equity 2022 K/S, K Alternativ Private Equity 2023, K Alternativ Private Equity 2024, K/S, Half Double Institute fmba |
Board seats, Deputy Chair | Bikubenfonden |
Board seats | Tryg A/S and Tryg Forsikring A/S and Tranes Fond, Foreningen Roskilde Festival |
Committee memberships | Audit and Risk committee (Chair) in Tryg A/S |
Experience | Extensive global experience in the B2B environment and within the professional services industry in various roles as CEO, CFO, COB, Non-executive director and advisor for world class and market leading companies, including positions as CEO KPMG Denmark, President and Group CEO NKT and Group CFO NKT. |
Compenties | Key competencies include leadership, development and execution of ambitious growth strategies focused on value creation, performance culture, transparency, integrity, strong team performance and great communication skills. |
Number of shares held | 12,233 |