Majority shareholder
TryghedsGruppen smba owns 48.1% of Tryg's shares and is a company with limited liability. The purpose of the company is to own shares in companies that carry on insurance business or companies with operations creating peace of mind.
The supreme authority of TryghedsGruppen is its Board of Representatives, which consists of 70 members. The Board of Representatives elects TryghedsGruppen's Supervisory Board. TryghedsGruppen is registered in the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency under the CVR number 10 43 04 10.
Free float
Free float is defined as the proportion of shares of a public company that is freely available to the investing public. Tryg's free float shares is 51.9% since TryghedsGruppen owns 48.1% of the shares.
Board Shareholdings
Find an overviev of the holdings of Tryg A/S shares of the Executive Board members here and Supervisory Board members here.