Empowering people 

Creating security in a changing world requires committed people with a wealth of different competences. This is also true for us at Tryg.

Empowering people

Sustainability is a rapidly evolving field, and we can only succeed with our ambitions and goals if we utilise the entire talent pool. We need ambassadors in every corner of Tryg.

From passionate climate heroes, future-oriented product developers, insurance experts with an eye for new types of risks, commercial brains with their eyes firmly set on the green transition, and customer and claims advisors who talk to customers about the benefits of climate adaptation and prevention. We all bring something unique to the table. Diversity, inclusion and equal opportunities are an important tool to bring the entire talent pool into play.

In our work with diversity, we have had a particular focus on ensuring gender diversity. We will continue to do so. We have a goal that neither men nor women should make up less than 40% of all managers at Tryg - at all levels.

We have a strong starting point with a gender balance across all management levels. But we can also see that diversity decreases the further up the organisation we look. Therefore, in addition to maintaining our strong foundation, we will focus on achieving gender balance at the upper management levels.

In our internal talent programmes, we continue our efforts to ensure diversity among candidates and reduce unconscious bias in the recruitment process. We do this to bring the entire talent pool into play.

92% of our employees perceive Tryg as an equal opportunity employer. We are part of the Sunflower programme in Denmark and Sweden and are constantly working on how we can become more inclusive.