Remuneration Committee
The purpose of the Remuneration Committee is to ensures that Tryg's remuneration is compliant with the agreed policies and incentive structure.
Remuneration Committee
The purpose of the Remuneration Committee is to ensures that Tryg's remuneration is compliant with the agreed policies and incentive structure.
About the Remuneration Committee
The Remuneration Committee's work is based on the terms of reference and Tryg's remuneration policy.
The committee consists of 5 members which are elected by and amongst the members of the Supervisory Board in Tryg A/S.
The committee is chaired by the Chairman of Supervisory Board.
The committee must be represented by at least one person who is member of both the Supervisory Board of Tryg A/S as well as the Supervisory Board of TryghedsGruppen, at least one member without any affiliation with TryghedsGruppen and one employee representative.
Besides the remuneration committee’s members, employees with relevant educational background and experience from Tryg’s HR department, are also involved in preparation and compliance to the remuneration policy. The remuneration committee also receive support from external advisers like Kromann Reumert and PwC if needed.
Jukka Pertola, Steffen Kragh and Carl-Viggo Östlund are not representing the majority shareholder, TryghedsGruppen, and therefore meet the requirements about independency and qualifications according to the Supervisory Board.
Recommend the remuneration policy to the Supervisory Board for approval prior to approval by the shareholders.
Prepare recommendations to the Supervisory Board as to which employees the company considers to be risk-takers.
Prepare recommendations to the Supervisory Board about elements that should be included in the remuneration of the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board as well as the amount of the specific remuneration.
Aid with preparation for the annual remuneration report.
Ensure compliance with the adopted remuneration policy.
Monitor that the information in the annual report on remuneration of the Supervisory Board, the Executive Board and risk-takers is correct, true and adequate.
Ensure that the Supervisory Board is kept informed of the market level of remuneration paid to the Supervisory Board and Executive Board of the company's peers, and, on behalf of the Supervisory Board, to follow practice in the area to ensure that any new forms of remuneration are discussed and considered by the Supervisory Board.