
Supervisory Board

Tryg's Supervisory Board receives a fixed, annual fee which has been approved by our shareholders at the Annual General Meeting. 

Remuneration paid to the Supervisory Board

The members of the Supervisory Board receive a fixed, annual fee. The fee is approved by our shareholders at the Annual General Meeting

  • The members do not receive any bonus and are not covered by incentive programmes or severance schemes
  • The remuneration is fixed based on trends in Tryg's peer group, taking into account competencies and efforts as well as the scope of the board's work
  • The Chairman of the Supervisory Board receives a triple basic fee and the Deputy Chairman receives a double basic fee.


Remuneration of the Supervisory Board in 2023

(tDKK)Base fee*Audit Committee*Risk Committee*Remuneration Committee*IT-Data Committee*Nomination Committee*Social contributions (NO/SE)**Total
Jukka Pertola, Chair1,3051761481731,801
Torben Nielsen, Dept. Chair¹8703153151181151,733
Lene Skole²984040178
Mari Thjømøe435168168147917
Carl-Viggo Östlund43511822179853
Ida Sofie Jensen435118148115815
Tina Snejbjerg435168118720
Elias Bakk435148115698
Karen Bladt²9898
Claus Wistoft435435
Gert Ove Mikkelsen³21040250
Charlotte Dietzer435435
Lone Møller Olsen²984040178
Mengmeng Du⁴33811389539
Thomas Hofman-Bang⁴338128128593
Jørn Rise Andersen⁴338338
Mette Osvald⁵22543268
Lena Darin⁵22545270

¹ Also received a fee as Chair of the Board of the subsidiaries Tryg Invest A/S (DKK 250,000) and Kapitalforeningen Tryg Invest Funds (DKK 200,000); ² Resigned from the Board in March 2022; ³ Resigned from the Board on 1 July 2022; ⁴ Joined the Board from March 2022; ⁵ Joined the Board on 1 July 2022 (at which time the number of Board members was increased to include an additional employee-elected Board member from Trygg-Hansa)
* Fee increased with effect from 1 April 2022, ** Tryg pays employer contributions to social security (+ financial activity tax in Norway) for Board members from Sweden and Norway