Tryg as a
green workplace

Climate change constitutes one of the most critical challenges of our time and requires immediate action from all actors in society. Tryg acknowledges that we are part of the problem – but more importantly – a part of the solution.

Climate change is a serious challenge that we, as a society, face and the problem will only worsen if we do not make an effort to reduce our carbon footprint now. Tryg is not an energy-intensive company, however, we acknowledge that we are a part of the solution when it comes to minimising carbon emissions. We support the Danish govern­ment’s ambition of reducing carbon emissions by 70% in 2030 compared to 1990, as well as the ef­forts to minimise climate change and its negative impacts addressed in the Paris Agreement.

We have set a target to reduce our carbon footprint by 35% in 2024 and 55% by 2030 compared to 2019 and will compensate for the rest of our carbon emissions. Our focus is to compensate less and reduce more over time.

In Tryg, we are all committed to changing our mindset, actions and habits in order to reduce our carbon footprint. We do so through bigger strategic initiatives as well as everyday initiatives.

Read about our initiatives in our Annual Report 2023



  • 35% CO2 reduction
  • 58% CO2 reduction from energy consumption
  • 12% CO2 reduction from waste production
  • 23% CO2 reduction from air travel
  • 23% CO2 reduction from car fleet


  • 55% CO2 reduction

Embedding climate and environment across the organisation

Across its activites in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, Tryg is certified according to the environmental management system ISO 14001. Tryg Norway is furthermore, certification under the national Eco-Lighthouse certification scheme, which focuses on the environment and a safe working environment for employees. The certifications imply a highly systematic approach to working with climate and environment and will support Tryg in delivering on strategy and ambitions while paving the way for future climate considerations.