
Benedicte Bakke Agerup

Bestyrelsesmedlem (uafhængig)



BestyrelsesmedlemBenedicte Bakke Agerup
Indtrådt i bestyrelsen2024
UddannelseDegree in Economics and Business Administration (“siv.øk”) from the Norwegian School of Economics (“NHH”), completed the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School.
KarriereCEO of Laho AS/Procerta AS since 2018. Previously CFO of Wilh. Wilhelmsen ASA and CFO of KLP Insurance. Advisor and mentor for startup companies.
Bestyrelsesposter, formandPuregas AS, Laer & Co AS
Bestyrelsesposter, næstformandNone at present, previously Norwegian Hull Club
Bestyrelsesposter, medlemTryg A/S and Tryg Forsikring A/S, Altera Infrastructure GP L.L.C., Unifor, Helseapps AS, Feminvest AS, Søren Bulls Vei 25 Invest AS, Laboratoriebygg AS, KGJ Partnership IX AS and Inven2 AS
UdvalgsposterAudit Committee and Risk Committee in Tryg A/S, Chair Audit Committee of Altera Infrastructure GP L.L.C.
ErfaringCFO and senior management positions in complex and large organizations. Wealth- and pension management experience and is a broad business executive. Previous directorships in several listed and unlisted companies within insurance, maritime, energy and renewables and finance.
KompetencerHas worked extensively with capital and risk management and has in-depth understanding of the financial services sector. Familiar with a balance-sheet driven businesses and the regulatory implications that financial institutions are subject to. Business know-how includes strategy, restructuring, financial investments and communication, business development and governance.
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